
Thursday, August 29, 2019

PE hurumanu

Hey bloggers so todays post is about PE this time PE was actually really fun anyway what I have been working on today was trying out our drills and seeing if they worked for the time given and if they were succesfull. My team wasen't succesfull but thats okay they stilled tried and next time we are going to try again. 

Throughout this session I have been working with others succesfully! But there is still a couple of things my team needs to work on like lisening and paying attention. What my group did well throughout this session is actually giving something new a try and I am thankfull for that.

Something I still think my group can improve on is actually getting on with the task they where given and listening to peoples ideas and opinions. What I think we could try doing next time is having a talk about we people need our attention and how we should respect that opinion.

This session what I have found challangeing was the fact that almost nobody in my group was listening to the leader/coach when they were speaking to the group with this I also compeleted a graduate profile by controlling my emotions and not breaking out with anger at the people who weren't listening.

Something that I have found really enjoyable was that we got to try and play the game we have choosen for one of the exersices.

I achieved another one of my graduate profiles which was helping someone who was struggling by helping the person who was talking and try to help the group listen.

Overall I really do like getting to play a sports I enjoy and I don't play meny sports at all so my feedback for this is that my group needs to listen to who is talking apart from that I like this activity we are doing in PE. 

Bye guys thats all for today make sure to comment and give me some feedback!

DLO for maths

Hey sorry this slide DLO is short I only had today this day so enjoy

Make sure to give me some feedback byeee

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Community Circles

Hello bloggers welcome to my blog this subject has been something bh has been doing for the past few weeks give me some feedback of what you think about this!!

Bye and thank you for watching!!


Hey bloggers so today in Tane Mahuta me and other people were out in the garden well gardening the main thing I was working on pulling out the ivy from around the garden to make sure we get alot more healthy trees. I was also helping to dig out and tip over the dirt so we could have good soil.

For my passion project I choose singing what I have been working in singing is learning new songs that we could possibly sing for a compatition we would be entering learning new songs is was hard for me because im not that open to new things. Over all i really do like singing and I hope that I can countinue with singing.

Through out both of the CIP and passion projects I really like what I have choosen and hope to continue with it later on in the term. I have been stepping up my aim and being more focused on helping out in the garden I have gottan more jobs done then I did the week before and I hope this behaver stays with me so I can enjoy the CIP I have choosen.

Something I think I still need to work on is actually knowing what my next steps are instead of just sitting down doing nothing to help out. over all my opinion of all of this is that it is really fun and exciting.

Thats all for today thank you for reading my blogpost make sure to comment and give me some feedback of what I could do better!

Thursday, August 22, 2019

PE Hurumanu

Hey blog readers!!! So this was my first pe hurumanu this term!! We have a lovely teacher called Miss Simpson and Miss Birtch today we were working on doing a beep test!! This was fun yet it uses all your energy so i wasent able to do my best considering i got no sleep at all! But i enjoyed it. We did this test so we could see how we inprove in the future.

My results from the beep test where 3.6 I could have done better but i didnt get any sleep from the night before. This was a boys and girls type thing the boys went first (Which consits of Tz and Bh) I did one of the three aspects help someone who was struggling by cheering a person on who looked tired and looked like they wanted to give up already.

Something that did affect me was the lack of my sleep from the night before so what I do need to work on is getting enough sleep and to keep trying even when I feel like I should just give up! Throughout thinking about my lack of sleep I compeleted another aspect by not putting up a fit over not having enough sleep and so by this I controlled my actions and emotions and still tried my best.

I am going to improve my score next time by getting more sleep and preparing for the beep test so I know what my expectations are for it. Through out all this hurumanu so far I have worked succesfully with others by cheering them on and making sure I stay out of the way they are running and respecting other peoples choice of games.

This is all we have done so far but I hope you enjoy the blogpost that are yet to come make sure to comment give me some feedback and ill see you in the next post bye.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Hey blog readers this blogpost is about the CIP i have been doing called Tane Mahuta! (Gardening) This by far is a cool CIP and i normally enjoy gardening anyway please enjoy!
Thanks for reading/watching my blogpost make sure to give me some feedback! see you in the next blogpost bye!!!

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Stop Motion!

Hey!! so through out the past 8 weeks classes 7/8bh and 7/8tz have been working together to help create a stop motion video I was in a group with Shelby from bh and Meleana from tz. We have been working on a manakitanga based story. We have two characters Aaron & Olive. Our stop motion is short but has a good meaning to it! I hope you enjoy!!

Thanks for watching my stop motion I know it was short but it took us awhile to get the drawings write What I enjoyed throughout this hurumanu is the fact that we got the work done within the time given and that I would talk to my group members when my emotions would go crazy and something needed to change about the story. What else I enjoyed about this hurumanu was the fact that we got to choose what our story was about and how we presented it. I love that we got to work with new people and got to make more connections with the people around as we normally don’t talk to. One more thing I liked is that other people around me would respect my opinions and I respect theirs. What I found difficult was that one of my teammates didn’t join in and became a little distraction. What I mean by that was I would be on our doc doing our work and the teammate would be sitting there doing nothing but listening to music but we eventually worked it out in the end.

Maths DLO

Me and my friend jasmine have been working on a maths DLO i hope you enjoy!!!

Hope you enjoyed thanks for watching make sure to comment and give me feedback.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Science Hurumanu

Aim: To learn practical ways of recycling so that we can make our world a better place.

Video questions:

What has human activity doen to our planet?
over the past 150 years human activity Created unatrual global activity 
What is Zero Waste?
Definition: one of the quickest and cheapst ways a community can inmediately reduce climate cimpact

What stuff has a carbon footprint?
Clothes seats toothbrushes the food we had for breakfast boxes cars phones bags tvs
What are 4 easy things to help our planet?
  1.   reduce
  2.   redesign
  3.  resuse
  4.  repair
What do we need to recycle?

  1. Reparing products
  2. use reuseable products

What does recycling do to our planet?
reduses co2 emissions

How much of our rubbish is made up of food scraps?
50 persent
What does methane gas do to our planet?
its 84x stronger than co2

What does soil do to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
pulls carbon dioxide down from the apnisfear 
What do using zero waste practices do to our planet?
lower co2 emissions using more trash but recycling it at the same time

What is a carbon footprint?

What is your Carbon Footprint?

You are now going to look at your own carbon footprint by taking a questionirre. Remember to 'Add details to improve accurcay'.

Based on the questionaire what is your:

1. Ecological Footprint
2. Carbon Footprint

How many planets did you have?

What is your personal Earth overshoot day?


Name 4 of the tips.


Science Hurumanu

Weather and Climate Change 

Measuring weather.

Aim: To measure wind speed by using onemometer


Wind Speed
SpinsIndicatorsTerms Used in NWS Forecasts
00-20Calm; smoke rises vertically.Calm
12-510Shown by direction of wind smoke drift, but not by wind vanes.Light
26-1240Wind felt on face, leaves rustle; ordinary vanes moved by wind.Light
313-2080 Leaves and small twigs in constant motion; wind extends light flag.Gentle
421-29130Raises dust and loose paper; small branches are moved.Moderate
530-39190Small trees in leaf begin to sway; crested wavelets form on inland waters.Fresh
640-50250Large branches in motion; whistling heard in telephone wires; umbrellas used with difficulty.Strong
751-61320Whole trees in motion; inconvenience felt walking against the wind.Strong
862-74390Breaks twigs off trees; generally impedes progress.Gale
975-87470Slight structural damage.Gale
1088-101550Seldom experienced inland; trees uprooted; considerable structural damage occurs.Whole gale
11102-116640Very rarely experienced inland; accompanied by widespread damage.Whole gale
12117 or more730+Very rarely experienced; accompanied by widespread damage.Hurricane

Wind speed - Making an anemometer.



  1. 4 cups  
  2. penicl  
  3.   straws
  4. tape  


  1.   poke holes in each of the cups
  2.   stick straws through
  3.   tape the straws together
  4.   tape straws to penicl
  5.   make sure its stable
  6. there ya go
    Once you have made an anemometer we are going to record the wind speed.

    Group size: 5

    You will need:  

    Anemometer (above) 


    • Timekeeper
    • Counter
    • Recorder
    • Anemometer Manager
    • Wind generator
    1. Mount the anemometer in a place that has full access to the wind from all directions.
    2. When the time keeper says "Go", the counter in each group will count how many times the marked cup passes them in one minute and write it down.
    3. If possible, repeat the above step four (4) times and record the average number of spins on the chart.


    • Record how many times it spins using the table below.
    You will need to create the wind yourself by blowing. Get 4 different wind speeds by blowing.

    You will need to time them and count the number of spins.

    Time IntervalNumber of Spins
    • Can you make a statement connecting the number of spins of your anemometer and the speed of the wind?