
Friday, June 26, 2020

Stage properties

Stage properties.
A prop wepon is where a prop is in the shape of a gun or sword or something to kill or attack, A hero prop is where there is added lighting or speacial affect to the scene or movie like when lights flicker or when heros fly, A stunt prop is where There are rubber weponds where stuntmen use to attack or hunt down people, I think a slave prop is where you have other people to act as maids or stuff to clean with normally.

This was part of my drama hope you enjoyed reading!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Arts Kete

Hey guys so for the last few weeks we have been working on making a comic/manga script as in right now I am on my final copy of my comic and the message i am basically trying to make out is that you dont need superpowers to be someones hero.

From when i started arts kete it was actually really fun because i was able to make a comic and actually draw.

The plot of my story has changed so its easier to make its about a person named akiko who got turnt into a baby and his friends need to try and save him from doing things hes not ment to like touching sharp objects and other things,

The people in my story are simple, akiko usami the main character Cho daichi one of the main side characters and finally Ekio Ai the other main side characters.

I'll be sure to update on how the comic turnt out and hopefully add in some photos so you guys could see the comic.

Over all I like this arts kete i just think that we should have more time to come up with characters and make a plot instead of doing it in 2 or 3 days other than that i am glad I choose this kete.

sneak peek vv

Thursday, June 18, 2020


Intro: We have been learning about evaparation is a process from turning liquid into vapour .

Aim: to evaparate copper sulfate ( blue liquid ) 

Hypothasis: i think that the copper is going to be evaparated.

Equipment: Gauze mat

  1. Set up element
  2. Add 100mL of hot water to the beaker and place on the element.
  3. Add copper sulfate to the evaporating basin until it is quarter full.
  4. Carefully, place the the evaporating basin on top of the beaker. 
  5. Turn on the element to 3
  6. Heat the solution until most of the solvent has been evaporated and crystals of solute are forming. 
Turn off the element- careful not to touch as will be hot for a long time.

Bubbles are forming in the water, steam is starting to rise from the element, waters starting to boil,

we started getting bubbles until the water boiled and then we started getting crystals to represent liquid seprating from the vapour and the colour of the solid was blue or whitey ish.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Hello so today in health class we got told to make a slide about unhealthy influnces and how to avoid them or slove them.

Thanks for watching!! <3

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Picton comic

Hey guys, so today we have been doing a thing called art kete its really fun. I chose the art kete comic script and we have been asked to use a site called picton to creat a digital comics. This is what I came up with it is short but it also explains what some students think about sub teachers !! Please enjoy.

This is what i have created thanks for reading !!

Thursday, June 4, 2020


Hey so here are 10 rules or facts of how to survive a zombie out break
Thankss for reading

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Name: Ferret
Type: a ferret is a M. P. Furo
Home: a ferrets homes from old prairie
Habitat: a ferrets habitat is plants forests and mountains
Food: ferrets eat Raw meat and mince
Life span: a ferrets life span is 2 - 5 years
Family: a ferrets family are called Mustelids
It can: ferrets have no spine 

It can't: ferrets cant break its back