finished Ella West saw the blog posts and decided to come vist us. Ella West lived in deniden with her children and her husband. Ella West spends alot of time thinking about her books and about how the story should go.
Ella West decide that she would base her story on a girl with a very rare disease where if someone that has the illness goes into the sunlight or just into the light at all there skin burns off. Ella West decide to base her story on a girl she had met with this disease. In the first scene of the book the little girl had saw a murdere happen. I havent read this story but I can tell its fulled with emotions that could touch your heart.
Ella West has currently been working on a book called the sound of my heart. This book is based off of running and the sound your heart makes I know it sounds boring but there is most likely going to be a catch.
On Ella Wests first book she made she was nervous and handed her book in 2 months later they gave her book back and said she needed to rewrite it. Ella West then asked what part and the person responded with all of it. So Ella West had to rewrite this whole book but she didn't mind it.
Ella West alos has a published book called Rain Fall this book isnt based on a murdere but a boy that went missing. I havent read this book but I can tell that this book is going to be great.
What I though about these books even tho I didnt read them I think they look really cool and I really do want to read all of Ella Wests books!
If you would be to make another book what would it be based on and what would it be called?
Say you where going to die and you had enough time to write a novel on how the past few months have been what would you do and write in that novel?
Thankyou for reading and I will see you in the next blogpost Bye and make sure to give me some feedback!!!
I really like this blog post becues you have put so much effort in to it mybe the paragraphs could be longerand Why did you decide to put questions in to it?